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Информация о файле

SAMSUNG UE46F6770, BN41-01958B, BN94-06223F, HIGH_X12_UNION

OCR 0xC0FF8080 (3V3/1V8)

CID 1501004D344731464210FE0BF53F210B (Samsung M4G1FB, SN 0xFE0BF53F (4262196543), Feb 2014)

CSD D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFE78A404057

Device Revision [192] 0x05 (MMC v4.41)

Device Type [196] 0x07 (SDR HS52)

Command Classes 0xF5 (Class 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Transfer Speed 0x32 (26MHz)

Reset Function [162] 0x01 (Permanently enabled)

Boot Config [179] 0x48 (Boot from BOOT1, access to USER, ACK)

Boot Bus [177] 0x02 (8-Bit SDR, Reset to 1-Bit)

Partitioning support [160] 0x03 (Yes, ENH)

Partitioning completed [155] 0x00 (NO)

USER Partition, size 0x00E9000000 (3.64 GiB)

BOOT1 Partition, size 0x0000100000 (1 MiB)

BOOT2 Partition, size 0x0000100000 (1 MiB)

RPMB Partition, size 0x0000020000 (128 KiB) Authentication Key not programmed





UFPI Version 2.1.2 Beta Compiled 9/14/23

UFPI Updates Check...No updates

UFPI Initialized, waiting for attach event...

UFPI interface connected, SN B1440303, FW 2.1.2, 14 Sep 2023 (High-Speed)

##### 19.09.2023 11:20:46.942 #####

SDMMC Pins test...OK

UFPI socket type MMC, max. bus 8-Bit

eMMC ID 1501004D344731464210FE0BF53F210B, DAT0

eMMC Info Samsung 'M4G1FB', size 3.64 GiB, SN FE0BF53F, Feb 2014

eMMC Mode 1-Bit, Transfer state, TI 1, Drv 0, Clock 52MHz

##### 19.09.2023 11:21:01.706 #####

eMMC detailed information:

OCR 0xC0FF8080 (3V3/1V8)

CID 1501004D344731464210FE0BF53F210B (Samsung M4G1FB, SN 0xFE0BF53F (4262196543), Feb 2014)

CSD D02701320F5903FFF6DBFFE78A404057

Device Revision [192] 0x05 (MMC v4.41)

Device Type [196] 0x07 (SDR HS52)

Command Classes 0xF5 (Class 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)

Transfer Speed 0x32 (26MHz)

Reset Function [162] 0x01 (Permanently enabled)

Boot Config [179] 0x48 (Boot from BOOT1, access to USER, ACK)

Boot Bus [177] 0x02 (8-Bit SDR, Reset to 1-Bit)

Partitioning support [160] 0x03 (Yes, ENH)

Partitioning completed [155] 0x00 (NO)

USER Partition, size 0x00E9000000 (3.64 GiB)

BOOT1 Partition, size 0x0000100000 (1 MiB)

BOOT2 Partition, size 0x0000100000 (1 MiB)

RPMB Partition, size 0x0000020000 (128 KiB) Authentication Key not programmed

##### 19.09.2023 11:23:25.465 #####

eMMC Full Backup...3.64 GiB

Current Directory 'D:\UE46F6770'

Data saving to File 'emmc_backup.txt'...OK

Data saving to File 'cid_backup.bin'...OK

Data saving to File 'csd_backup.bin'...OK

Data saving to File 'ext_csd_backup.bin'...OK

Data saving to File 'BOOT1_0x0000000000_0x0000100000_backup.bin'...OK

Reading eMMC BOOT1 from 0x00000000, size 0x00100000...OK

Completed in 0.17 second(s). Code download speed 5.71 MiB/sec.

Data saving to File 'BOOT2_0x0000000000_0x0000100000_backup.bin'...OK

Reading eMMC BOOT2 from 0x00000000, size 0x00100000...OK

Completed in 0.19 second(s). Code download speed 5.15 MiB/sec.

Data saving to File 'RPMB_0x0000000000_0x0000020000_backup.bin'...OK

Reading eMMC RPMB from 0x00000000, size 0x00020000...OK

Completed in 0.08 second(s). Code download speed 1.64 MiB/sec.

Data saving to File 'USER_0x0000000000_0x00E9000000_backup.bin'...OK

Reading eMMC USER from 0x00000000, size 0xE9000000...OK

Completed in 10 min. 50 sec. Code download speed 5.73 MiB/sec.


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