About This File
Main: TPD.NT72563.PB781
Panel: LVF400CMDX
Procesor: NT72563MBG
UFPI interface connected, SN B1440303, FW 2.1.7, 05 Aug 2024 (High-Speed)
SDMMC Pins test...OK
UFPI socket type MMC, max. bus 8-Bit
eMMC ID 11010030303447363002105A39DFA52F, DAT0
eMMC Info Toshiba '004G60', size 3.69 GiB, SN 105A39DF, Oct 2018
eMMC Mode 1-Bit, Transfer state, TI 1, Drv 0, Clock 52MHz
C:\Users\Michal\Downloads\Sencor-SLE-32S600TCS_emmc\Sencor SLE-32S600TCS TPD.NT72563.PB781 ST3151A05-8 EMMC\EMMC_004G60_ROM1_000000000000_0000EC000000.bin Dump check...GPT Partition, offset 0x01
impdata EXT4
userdata EXT4
tclconfig EXT4
cache EXT4
tvos EXT4
persist EXT4
system EXT4
nvtdata EXT4
data EXT4
eMMC Dump analysis done. Extracted 14 part(s)
eMMC detailed information:
OCR 0xC0FF8080 (3V3/1V8)
CID 11010030303447363002105A39DFA52F (Toshiba 004G60, SN 0x105A39DF (274348511), Oct 2018)
CSD D05E00320F5903FFFFFFFFE7924000E3
Device Revision [192] 0x07 (MMC v5.0, v5.01)
Device Type [196] 0x57 (SDR HS52, HS200, HS400)
Command Classes 0xF5 (Class 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Transfer Speed 0x32 (26MHz)
Device Pre-EOL Info 0x01 (Normal)
Device Life Time Type A 0x01 (0-10% used)
Device Life Time Type B 0x00 (Not defined)
Reset Function [162] 0x00 (Temporarily disabled (default))
Boot Config [179] 0x48 (Boot from BOOT1, access to USER, ACK)
Boot Bus [177] 0x02 (8-Bit SDR, Reset to 1-Bit)
Partitioning support [160] 0x07 (Yes, ENH, EXT)
Partitioning completed [155] 0x01 (Yes)
FFU mode [443] 0x01 (Supported)
USER Partition, size 0x00EC000000 (3.69 GiB)
BOOT1 Partition, size 0x0000200000 (2 MiB)
BOOT2 Partition, size 0x0000200000 (2 MiB)
RPMB Partition, size 0x0000080000 (512 KiB) Authentication Key not programmed
eMMC Full Backup...3.69 GiB
Current Directory 'F:\SLE 40FS601TCS'
Data saving to File 'emmc_backup.txt'...OK
Data saving to File 'cid_backup.bin'...OK
Data saving to File 'csd_backup.bin'...OK
Data saving to File 'ext_csd_backup.bin'...OK
Data saving to File 'BOOT1_0x0000000000_0x0000200000_backup.bin'...OK
Reading eMMC BOOT1 from 0x00000000, size 0x00200000...OK
Completed in 0.35 second(s). Code download speed 5.76 MiB/sec.
Data saving to File 'BOOT2_0x0000000000_0x0000200000_backup.bin'...OK
Reading eMMC BOOT2 from 0x00000000, size 0x00200000...OK
Completed in 0.34 second(s). Code download speed 5.97 MiB/sec.
Data saving to File 'RPMB_0x0000000000_0x0000080000_backup.bin'...OK
Reading eMMC RPMB from 0x00000000, size 0x00080000...OK
Completed in 0.27 second(s). Code download speed 1.85 MiB/sec.
Data saving to File 'USER_0x0000000000_0x00EC000000_backup.bin'...OK
Reading eMMC USER from 0x00000000, size 0xEC000000...OK
Completed in 10 min. 31 sec. Code download speed 5.98 MiB/sec.
UFPI interface disconnected