About This File
Thomson 40FE5606, TPD.RT2841.PB772 eMMC
OCR 0xC0FF8080 (3V3/1V8)
CID 90014A483847346192A18C3196122713 (Hynix H8G4a, SN 0x8C319612 (2352059922), Feb 2020)
CSD D02701320F5903FFFFFFFFE78A40002B
Device Revision [192] 0x08 (MMC v5.1)
Device Type [196] 0x57 (SDR HS52, HS200, HS400)
Command Classes 0xF5 (Class 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Transfer Speed 0x32 (26MHz)
Device Pre-EOL Info 0x01 (Normal)
Device Life Time Type A 0x01 (0-10% used)
Device Life Time Type B 0x01 (0-10% used)
Reset Function [162] 0x00 (Temporarily disabled (default))
Boot Config [179] 0x00 (No Boot, access to USER)
Boot Bus [177] 0x00 (1-Bit SDR, Reset to 1-Bit)
Partitioning support [160] 0x07 (Yes, ENH, EXT)
Partitioning completed [155] 0x01 (Yes)
FFU mode [443] 0x01 (Supported)
USER Partition, size 0x01D2000000 (7.28 GiB)
BOOT1 Partition, size 0x0000400000 (4 MiB)
BOOT2 Partition, size 0x0000400000 (4 MiB)
RPMB Partition, size 0x0000400000 (4 MiB) Counter 138 (0x8A)