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LG 42LF5610 ZF, LD55H EAX66164203 (1.0) 1.0.0

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About This File

TV LG 42LF5610  ZF

MAIN LD55H EAX66164203 (1.0)


SPI MX25L8006




001:  Serial number:20180125175140-037578  ,PCB V1.80,Boot V1.00
002:  >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
003:  Chip pins contact is detected OK.
004:  TotalPageNum: 0x100,PageNumInBlock: 64,PageSize: 0
005:  Auto identified 2 ID is match with the partnumber.
006:  Point "read" will pop up "save" dialog box, "write" will pop up the "open" dialog box.
007:  The currently selected:TC58NVG0S3HTA00@TSOP48, capacity: 1088Mbits, 136Mbytes.
008:  Adapter modelŁşRT-TSOP48-1, 0.5, 12*18, Pin to Pin
010:  Download device programming algorithm......
011:  Algo update OK
012:  >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<
013:  Chip pins contact is detected OK.
014:  TotalPageNum: 0x10000,PageNumInBlock: 64,PageSize: 2176
015:  Chip ID verification OK.
016:  C:\Users\win7\Desktop\LD55H\TC58NVG0S3HTA00@TSOP48_322\TC58NVG0S3HTA00@TSOP48_322
017:  Start reading chip......
018:  Buffer data checksum: 16bits_0xE643 Ł¬32bits_0x813CE643 :
019:  Read successfulŁ¬Elapsed timeŁş66.66 secondsˇŁ
020:  Auto verifying...
021:  Verification successfulŁ¬Elapsed timeŁş66.23 secondsˇŁ
022:  Elapsed time: 132.9 secondsŁ¬average speed of 2146231 bytes/sec.
023:  >------------------------------------OK---------------------------------------<


What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


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